World's #1 Nutritionist Calls Goji the Biggest Discovery In Nutrition in the Last 40 Years!
Dr. Earl Mindell: During my forty years of research in health, sellness and nutrition, I kept coming to the same conclusion. There was something missing-some important element that had yet to be discovered-the elusive key to optimal health and leongevity.
At long last the missing link has been discovered in the mOuntains of the Himalayas-a food so nutritionally dense that it is unmatched by any other substance on earth for its health promoting powers. It is called the
goji berry, with a treasure trove of 4 highly bioactive and unique polysaccharides (LBP1, LBP2,LBP3 and LBP4)-different and more active than anything science has every seen, I refer to them as master molecules.
So powerful that they control many of the body's most important biochemical defense systems.
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