The Joy Of The Juice-Add 20 Years to your Life

The Goji Berry has been called the most nutritionally dense food on the planet. benefits of Goji have been reported in: Journal of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, China Pharmacology and Toxicology, Chinese Herb News Magazine, Research Communications Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology, Chinese Patent Herbs, Chinese Herbs, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Chinese Oncology Magazine, Hygiene Research, Physiology Academic Journal, Chinese Stomatology, and many more.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

World's #1 Nutritionist Calls Goji the Biggest Discovery In Nutrition in the Last 40 Years!

Dr. Earl Mindell: During my forty years of research in health, sellness and nutrition, I kept coming to the same conclusion. There was something missing-some important element that had yet to be discovered-the elusive key to optimal health and leongevity.

At long last the missing link has been discovered in the mOuntains of the Himalayas-a food so nutritionally dense that it is unmatched by any other substance on earth for its health promoting powers. It is called the
goji berry, with a treasure trove of 4 highly bioactive and unique polysaccharides (LBP1, LBP2,LBP3 and LBP4)-different and more active than anything science has every seen, I refer to them as master molecules.

So powerful that they control many of the body's most important biochemical defense systems.

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