The Joy Of The Juice-Add 20 Years to your Life

The Goji Berry has been called the most nutritionally dense food on the planet. benefits of Goji have been reported in: Journal of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, China Pharmacology and Toxicology, Chinese Herb News Magazine, Research Communications Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology, Chinese Patent Herbs, Chinese Herbs, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Chinese Oncology Magazine, Hygiene Research, Physiology Academic Journal, Chinese Stomatology, and many more.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"When You Walk Your talk, people listen." German Proverb

Hearing is Believing!

My friend Judi, in Spokane, is the one who got me started on GOJI (actually she insisted I try it because she was convinced it would help me). At first, I told her I wasn't interested because, "I have tried every gimic on the market and never been helped." When she told me I could sign up for 3 months and get my money back if it didn't help, I gave into her persistent encouragement. After about one month, I decided that it wasn't helping. My knee pain had subsided but I thought it was the drops you were giving me. About that same time, we went to DC but I didn't take the GOJI along because it needed to be refrigerated and I didn't want to bother with it. In a matter of 2 days I could hardly walk again. The pain had returned with a vengance.

I've learned that the average (healthy) person takes 1 to 2 oz. per day with or without food (diabetics take it with food). People with severe diseases, like Cancer, take 8 oz. per day (2 oz. 4 times). I decided to put myself on 2 oz. 2 times per day (4 oz. total) because I wanted to see a difference. One week I even took 6 oz. because I was desperate for my right knee to get better after our DC trip. As I told you, I have discovered amazing results in several areas:

1. My right knee: I had gotten to a point where I would avoid stairs as much as possible because it was too painful. I can now handle stairs with no pain!! (I still know that my knee is an issue because I get a twinge of discomfort if I move a certain way but it is NOTHING compared to what I dealt with in the past).

2. Sleep: I had started taking Melatonin because my sleep was so interrupted and I would wake up exhausted. For the past couple of weeks I stopped taking Melatonin to see if there was any change since being on GOJI for aprx. 2 months. I am now sleeping through the night and waking with a very full bladder because I am not waking in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. A full bladder is worth a good nights sleep.

3. Labido: This was an unexpected surprise. I have seen an increase. Of course my husband is thrilled. I need say no more!!

4. Depression: My doctor had put me on a natural anti-depressant (5-Hydroxy-Trytophane). It helped but, once again, after being on GOJI for two months, I decided to see if I needed it anymore I stopped taking the HTP and I am feeling fine. I don't plan on going back on the natural HTP anti-depressant product again.

5. pH balance: A few years ago I purchased the small tape for testing one's pH balance. I had heard that it was important to have alkaline rather than acidic saliva in the morning. Every time I tested it, I was way off the chart LOW! I took mineral drops etc. to try to move it from acidic to alkaline but nothing seemed to work. I gave up several months ago and stopped testing until just recently. I was thrilled to see that it had moved to the more alkaline color. I had read that when the body is acidic it is more susceptible to disease and when it is alkaline, it will remain more healthy. I am trusting this will be true for me also.

6. Headaches: I believe I have seen a subtle change. Nothing earth-shaking but hopefully in time they too will be totally gone.

7. Chest Pressure: I don't know what this was all about but I found about 8 months ago that I couldn't sleep on my left side or my back because I felt like I wasn't able to breath (due to a heaviness on my chest). This all began after a severe flu virus that eventually attacked the lining of my heart. I have recently discovered that I am now sleeping on my back again with no problem. I am sooo delighted!

As I told you, I am only taking this product (
  • Himalayan Goji Juice
  • , because it is helping me like no other as ever helped. Thank God! In no way am I believing that it is a "cure all." I am just so thankful that I personally have been helped. I signed up for the 3 month auto-delivery plan so that I could get my money back if it didn't work. Phooey!! I won't get my money back but my health has improved and that is even more important. If I am blessed financially because someone else wants to try it and desides to sign up under me, I will just be grateful to make enough to pay for my new habit. :)

    Now to the following information that was sent to me from my friend Judi. I believe she found it online. "Freelife" is the company that I get the GOJI from. I think that if you want to read more testimonies, there is a website called and I haven't checked out but I believe if you go on this site and type in "Lycium Barbarum" fruit (the scientifuc name for GOJI berry), you will read some interesting medical information.

    Doctor Oggle is a Naprapath doctor. A Naprapath is like a cross between a physical therapist and a osteopath. Basically you go to a Naprapath instead of going to a chiropractor. The following story started in March of 2005. He was working twelve hours a day, six days a week and he was running himself down because of working too much. He decided to semi-retire and work every second day and not work such long hours. In April he was hit with cancer. He got a bump that was about the size of a pea on the top of his left side of his scalp. Within a couple of weeks it was the size of the end of his small finger. Doctor Oggle went to see a dermatologist. The dermatologist took a biopsy on it and it was Squawmus cell Carcinoma. Dr. Oggle said it is a Coetaneous Carcinoma cancer, which is a skin cancer and can kill you fast.

    He went to Chicago to see some surgeons and was scheduled for surgery. The surgeons also found out he Leukemia. His readings were way up the score ninety-seven. Ten times what safe levels would be. He had to be stabilized. The doctors did nothing for the Leukemia. They did surgery or otherwise he would have been dead. Dr. Oggle almost did not make it through the surgery. After about a month he got out of the hospital, twenty nine days he was flat on his back and all he could do was slide off on his butt to go to the commode and slide back in.

    He lost fifty-three pounds and all his muscles. He used to be the size of Arnold and a lot better looking. He lost a lot of weight. His arms were the size of his ankles instead of the way they used to be. The biceps were gone and there was just skin hanging from his biceps.

    He started on Goji juice
  • Himalayan Goji Juice
  • a bit when he was in the hospital. He finally got out of the hospital. When he got out of the hospital they found two more bumps and the surgeons said that they would have to remove the left ear and you are just going to be without a left ear but we can get rid of this cancer for you. Dr. Oggle and his wife were praying about it. The doctors said they would do surgery first and then radiation on him. He and his wife made a decision to go with the radiation and chemotherapy. Dr. Oggle said he would need ten weeks of the radiation and chemotherapy treatment. One-week treatment the next week rest from treatment. He had about one and a half weeks from the time the treatment was scheduled to start. He started drinking a bottle of Goji every day.
  • Himalayan Goji Juice
  • He cannot say he noticed any difference in his health right away.

    Patients going through the radiation and chemotherapy had very red skin and their skin was burning. Dr. Oggle’s skin was just a bit red and he was getting two radiations a day. There was only about three times where Dr. Oggle got nauseated from the treatment. Most of the patients taking treatment were very sick and vomiting a lot. He said one of the things that made him the sickest was the food at the treatment centre because the food was terrible. The doctor said, “Looks like you could not hold your supper down.” “Dr. Oggle said, “No that is the way you brought the food.” His wife would bring him Goji every day and food from the cafeteria, which was better quality food.

    This treatment was for ten weeks, one week on and one week off. He got to the point where he was in a wheelchair and he could walk a little bit, stagger around but if he had to go anywhere he had to go in a wheelchair. Even when he got out of the hospital he was on a walker for about a month. He had to learn to walk again.

    The thing was the doctors were watching and they were saying that Dr. Oggle was not having a normal reaction to the treatment that most patients would have. The doctors were dealing with Dr. Oggle’s leukemia, which they did not treat. They were treating the Squawmus cell Carcinoma. At the same time the doctors kept saying this is not the normal progression of a patient going through this treatment. The doctors said Dr. Oggle was doing better than all the other patients receiving the same cancer therapy. The doctors said, “This is different, there is something going on different.” Dr. Oggle attributed his positive health reactions to Goji.

    When Dr. Oggle got out of the hospital he was sent to a physical therapist to teach him how to get out of bed and how to learn to walk again. Dr. Oggle was walking even before he had a physical therapist. The physical therapist was surprised that Dr. Oggle greeted her at the door.

    He originally had one tumor the size of a baseball on the top of his head. That is the one they removed surgically. About a month or so later they did the two on the side with chemo and radiation. At the end of the radiation and chemotherapy, the radiation doctor said, “Okay you are supposed to have two radiations tomorrow, but I only want you to have one of those radiations in the morning and that is it.” The doctor said, “We do not see any cancer left anywhere and we do not want to pursue this anymore.” “It looks real good.” In fact the radiation doctor was bringing the other doctors in and saying, “Look at this, look at this.” Dr. Oggle looked like Yoda. His ear was sticking out like Dumbo the flying elephant. His ear was distended because of the swelling underneath it. Eventually the tumor on his ear disappeared. He had tumors so huge on his head that he would wrap his head because he did not want anyone to see those tumors.

    A couple of weeks later he went back for clinical, which is Tuesday’s when you go for blood tests. The doctor said you got another spot here. They did a biopsy on it and the doctor said it is possibly a recurrence of Carcinoma. Dr. Oggle talked to the radiation doctor and the doctor said it might be dead cells. They did a catscan and it showed another bump. Dr. Oggle said to the doctor let’s wait on this awhile. At that time Dr. Oggle was taking at least eight to twelve ounces of Goji a day. Dr. Oggle went back two weeks ago and the doctor said, “How are you doing Dr. Oggle?” “Dr. Oggle said the bump is gone and everything is clear. The doctor looked at Dr. Oggle’s ear and her eyes lit up and said, “What is going on here, the bump is gone.”

    All traces of the Carcinoma is gone. A couple of days later the nurse called and told Dr. Oggle that he had a clear bill of health. They had a tumor conference. They went over the catscans and everything. Dr. Oggle saw the catscans from about one and a half months ago and he could see the bump. On the new catscan the bump was gone. After the tumor conference the nurse called Dr. Oggle and said there was no cancer left.

    Dr. Oggle also had scalp surgery and when they took the tumor off the top of his head, the tumor was the size of a baseball. The other thing is there was something going on because the doctors said they went to test the tumor and the tumor was already detached from his head before they removed the tumor. The tumor was not digging into the scalp. The surgeons were able to cut out the tumor from his head without digging into his scalp.

    There was this area on the top of his head about the size of a baseball where there was nothing but bone. They did a skin graft, which they took from his right hip and put the skin graft on top of his head. Dr. Oggle kept taking the Goji. The skin has totally grown back in. He is not going to have to have another surgery for his skin. Dr. Oggle is regaining his muscle and gaining his weight back. The Leukemia readings when Dr. Oggle went in was around ninety-seven. Ten times the safe level. The last time Dr. Oggle went through the clinicals the reading was down to around twenty. He had no treatment for Leukemia. The only thing Dr. Oggle can attribute the low readings with the Leukemia is because of the Goji juice. He is taking eight ounces of Goji juice every day. Over the years Dr. Oggle has heard about and tried a lot of health products. He said Goji juice
  • Himalayan Goji Juice
  • is the first product he has tried that has a positive effect on every part of the body and mind.

    The other doctor in Milwaukee, doctor Robertson went into the hospital the last week of October 2005. The first week in the hospital the doctors did not know what he had. In the second week in the hospital he was diagnosed with Leukemia and he was so weak that he could not even talk because it was such an effort to even talk. The doctor was not expected to live very long. The doctor’s sisters who work for him in his clinic took him some Goji juice
  • Himalayan Goji Juice
  • in the hospital and before they left the hospital that night he was talking to them and he actually laughed. Then the next morning the sisters went back to see their brother the doctor and to give him some more Goji Juice.
  • Himalayan Goji Juice
  • His daughter was there in the hospital room when the sisters went back to give him some more Goji Juice. The bed in the room was empty when the sisters went to the hospital. The sisters said to the doctor’s daughter, “Where is Doctor Robertson?” The daughter said my father is in the shower taking a shower. The sisters looked at each other and said, “It’s the Goji Juice.”
  • Himalayan Goji Juice
  • The daughter said, “Yes it was the Goji Juice.” Just a week ago Saturday he was released from the hospital and the Leukemia are in remission. That doctor is still drinking eight ounces a day.
  • Himalayan Goji Juice
  • Hazel has fourteen doctors enrolled with Goji now and a lot of cancer patients she knows are now taking the Goji Juice.

    A cancer patient should drink twelve ounces for the first three days, and then drink eight ounces until the cancer is in remission.
  • Himalayan Goji Juice

  • Helene has been drinking Goji Juice for about a year and a half when recently she sprained her ankle. She hobbled to the house and put Goji Juice on her sprained ankle topically and the pain went away immediately.

    Also when her dog bit her twice she put Goji Juice on topically on one bite and the wound did not bruise where she put the Goji Juice on. The other part where she was bit but did not apply the Goji juice bruised. This being the case Goji Juice will help with burns, insect bites, and so forth. Goji Juice will heal cuts without there being a scar there.

    Jamela a lady in her seventies had Lupus and they had to pry her mouth open and spoon feed her. Now after for some time taking Goji juice she has her health back and is able to sing, dance, and basically just has her health back.

    Children of all ages can take Goji. A baby five weeks old had severe chronic something on her face and everything. They gave the baby Goji Juice and the skin condition cleared up.

    A lady on the call said she met a mother had not had a child yet. The mother was bleeding all the time and she was not expected to be able to carry the baby till the natural birth time. The doctors said that the baby might be born Placenta Preivia meaning that if the baby was born it could be dead at birth because the placenta had gotten around the baby’s neck while still in the womb. The mother drank Goji Juice and was able to carry the baby until term, the natural birth time of the baby. The baby was born about one month early before term. The baby when born was healthy and six pounds at birth. The doctors had given the prognosis that this baby in the womb was not going to make it and there was a good chance that even the mother might not live.

    Dr. Mindell said that by increasing the Goji Juice intake per day all the way up to twelve ounces a day would give quicker results for a cancer victim. If a cancer victim is in the fourth (last) stage of cancer, in other words terminal and you have to stop that cancer as quickly as possible to preserve that person’s life.

    Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline blood state. The cancer is literally starved to death.

    Tom heard an advertisement on television that caught his ear, about St. Judes one of the leading children’s cancer facilities in the U.S. It caught his ear because his daughter was treated there years ago. It wasn’t the doctors are the facility that saved his daughter from cancer. He decided to go with limb salvage, which is where instead of whacking the limb off with a knife, there is other treatments that will try to preserve the limb. Tom made some contacts at St. Jude’s years ago and most of the doctors there have since retired. Tom started with the people that he knew locally that referred him to another place to preserve his daughter’s cancerous limb. Tom finally got to talk to the head research oncologist. On the ad that Tom had heard on television it had said that they were using alternate means of treatment for cancer for children. Marlo Thomas herself, the daughter of Danny Thomas had mentioned in the advertisement that the Goji berry was mentioned. That set Tom on fire because he had to know if the Goji berry was being used at that hospital. The doctor would not give him a direct answer when he asked about Goji Juice being used at the hospital. Tom discussed it a bit with the doctor, and then Tom made the statement, “I know that you probably won’t answer this, but I am dying to know is it possibly Himalayan Goji Juice being used.” The doctor’s exact reply was, “I would not be surprised.”
  • Himalayan Goji Juice

  • St. Judes has been researching and testing Goji juice for a while now.

    The Cancer Treatment of America is using Goji juice as a part of their treatment therapy.

    For more information on this phenomenal product:
  • Himalayan Goji Juice

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  • Himalayan Goji Health Testimonies

  • Fantastic Business Opporutnity:
  • Himalayan Goji Team

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  • FreeLife Nutrition

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  • Madebydesign Christian Bookstore
