The Joy Of The Juice-Add 20 Years to your Life

The Goji Berry has been called the most nutritionally dense food on the planet. benefits of Goji have been reported in: Journal of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, China Pharmacology and Toxicology, Chinese Herb News Magazine, Research Communications Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology, Chinese Patent Herbs, Chinese Herbs, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Chinese Oncology Magazine, Hygiene Research, Physiology Academic Journal, Chinese Stomatology, and many more.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Nothing Compares This Amazing Product

100% Goodness In Every Bottle, Every Time

100% Goodness In Every Bottle, Every Time
Proprietary, 100% juice product, patterned after the ancient recipes and practices of the Himalayans.
100% all-natural juice flavoring system gives a consistently delicious flavor, and works synergistically with the product to enhance its already remarkable benefits. Never any added sugar, artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors.
Proprietary technology for extracting the juice without destroying goji's delicate, but extremely powerful nutrients.
Exclusive recipe and proprietary chill-blending technology.
Each one-liter bottle contains the equivalent of more than 2 pounds of fresh goji berries!
Carefully standardized to deliver a consistently high level of perfectly balanced and fully active polysaccharides, the Master Molecules that your body needs to replenish on a daily basis for optimal health and longevity. (These Master Molecules are unique to goji—they are not found in any other plant on earth.)
Made only with berries that exhibit the ideal Himalayan Spectral Signature—your assurance of potency, purity, and authenticity in every bottle.
Our strict Seven-Step Quality Manufacturing Process ensures that you and your family experience the same nutritional value with every sip.

So powerful that they control many of the body's most important biochemical defense systems.Review more with Free-Ebook: http://madebydesign.getgojionline.comHealth Testimonials: http://gojihealthstories.comGoji Book: http://gojibook.comBusiness Opportunity:**Fun With Pixels... Books Tapes and More...